Verse 1
Your eyes are on the lowly
Though others look away
Your feet run to the broken
Your hands are quick to save
Make us like You Lord
Verse 2
You walk with the forgotten
And offer them a home
Adopting the unwanted
And calling them Your own
Make us like You Lord
(Make us like You Lord)
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Let the light of heaven shine
As we step into the dark
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
All to see Your kingdom come and death depart
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Let justice flow like a river in the desert
Let the nations know that You will reign forever
As the earth beholds the glory of the Savior
Let justice flow
Clean Hands Chorus
Give us clean hands give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
And oh God let us be a generation that seeks
That seeks Your face oh God of Jacob
And oh God let us be a generation that seeks
That seeks Your face oh God of Jacob
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Let the light of heaven shine
As we step into the dark
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
All to see Your kingdom come and death depart
O give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Give Us Your Heart
CCLI Song # 7080403
© 2016 Tent Peg Music; The Emerging Sound Publishing
Give Us Clean Hands
CCLI Song # 2060208
© 2000 sixsteps Music; songs